Saturday, August 11, 2018

Open Letter to on the Issue of Judeo-Globalist Ethno-Monopolistic Censorship of Dissident and Alternative News.

Hello Voxers. 

Some of you are Jewish, the majority of you are not. But even if you're not Jewish, deep in your hearts, you know the Jews have power over you. After all, Vox is funded by Jews who also control Wall Street and finance. And because it's is Jewish-owned, it's been incestuously promoted by the rest of the Jewish-controlled media. You know it, and I know it. Sure, Jews are pretty clever in window-dressing their power. It's called using a front or buffer. "Corleone family had a lot of buffers." So, even though the founders and funders of Vox are Jewish, notice they got a black woman as 'editor-in-chief'. (And NYT hired Sarah Jeong the teacher's pet as their barking dog.) It's like Jews used Obama as a front when, in fact, the so-called 'Muslim Socialist' bailed out Jewish globalist banks and waged Wars for Israel.
He took out Libya, the ONLY African nation that sort of resembled Wakanda. Now, it's a hell-hole with slave trade. Obama did that because Jews wanted it. And Obama never did anything about illegal migration-invasion of West Bank by Zionist colonizers. I'm sure Jews consider those illegal Jewish invaders in West Bank to be 'dreamers'. And Obama engineered the coup in Ukraine for the Jews. I know and you know that the animus against Russia is driven by Jews. Jews have a long historical grudge against Russia. They once owned Russia in the early Bolshevik period and killed around 10 million Slavic Christians, but Trotsky lost out to Stalin who killed 10 million more. Damn Georgian. Jews once again took control of Russia in the 90s as a collusion of Jewish American advisers and Russian Jewish oligarchs raped the nation pretty good, leaving millions of Russians to die premature deaths. Given those  facts, it's understandable why Russians reject globalism and the bogus siren song of 'liberal democracy'. The US has historically approved of democracy ONLY WHEN it suited US interests. The US favored Shah the dictator because he was so pliable. Indeed, US itself is hardly a democracy. Why would Jews want majority rule when they are the ruling neo-oligarchic minority elite? Trump's victory was democracy in action as he won against all the machinations of the Deep State and Jewish media moguls, but of course, Jews say Trump is 'endangering democracy'. And the US never presses democratic reforms on Saudi Arabia because the royal family is totally servile to US and Israel. When democracy led to victory for Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood in Palestinian territories and Egypt, the US swiftly moved to support coup d'tats. Far more people died in the Egyptian Military retaking of power in Egypt(with full-backing of Obama) than in the CIA-led coup against Allende in Chile, but most so-called 'progressives' were silent about that. I guess it was bad when Nixon and Kissinger used military strongman Pinochet to remove Allende and Marxist-Leninists, but it's no big deal if Obama, the 'historic black presidnent' and total toady of Jews, supports Egyptians military men to gun down supporters of the democratic government. The Egyptian military, like the Saudi Family, is totally servile to the US, and so the US supports such regimes even when they crush democracy and majority rule.
So, is it any surprise that Jews are so anti-Russian? It's not about democracy. It's not about 'human rights'. Funny coming from the US, a nation that cooks up WMD lies to destroy an entire nation. Or a nation that illegally occupied Syria and supplied Alqaeda eleemnts(called 'moderate rebels') there. Funny coming from a nation that gives 4 billion every year to Israel, a nation that uses IDF murder squads to shoot down helpless Palestinians. What a joke. Indeed, Jews are so demented and perverse in their supremacist power worship that they even ally with Neo-Nazis in Ukraine as strategy against Russia. Imagine that! Jews bitch about "Trump is a Nazi, nyah nyah" but they form alliances with real Nazis on the basis of 'enemy of your enemy is your friend'.  
Over the last few years, many outside observers have noted a seemingly very odd political situation in Ukraine. That unfortunate country possesses powerful militant groups, whose public symbols, stated ideology, and political ancestry all unmistakably mark them as Neo-Nazis. Yet those violent Neo-Nazi elements are all being bankrolled and controlled by a Jewish Oligarch who holds dual Israeli citizenship. Furthermore, that peculiar alliance had been mid-wifed and blessed by some of America’s leading Jewish Neocon figures, such as Victoria Nuland, who have successfully used their media influence to keep such explosive facts away from the American public. At first glance, a close relationship between Jewish Israelis and European Neo-Nazis seems as grotesque and bizarre a misalliance as one could imagine, but after recently reading Brenner’s fascinating book, my perspective quickly shifted. Indeed, the main difference between then and now is that during the 1930s, Zionist factions represented a very insignificant junior partner to a powerful Third Reich, while these days it is the Nazis who occupy the role of eager suppliants to the formidable power of International Zionism, which now so heavily dominates the American political system and through it, much of the world.
Now, surely you gentile Voxers know what I'm talking about. You have access to alternative news. Unless you're a total idiot, surely you don't rely on NYT and WAPO(with close ties to Deep State, overstaffed with cold-blooded Zionists, and funded by monopolist oligarchs like Carlos Slim and Jeff Bezos) as sole sources of information. You must know what is REALLY going on. And you guys and girls outnumber Jews at Vox. So, why are you such dogs and toadies to Jewish Power? Because Jews have the controlling interest at Vox. It is funded by Jews, founded by Jews, and its black female editor-in-chief was given that role because she's a Auntie Tom to Jewish Power. Has she written any article about the Zionist genocide of Palestinians? 

But have you other gentiles at Vox written anything that might rub Jewish Power the wrong way? You know you got hired by Jews because there are certain topics you will not broach. You stick to the Jewish-dictated Narrative  of 'white privilege' because if you were to deviate from the script and say, "But Jews are the richest, most powerful, and most dominant white group in this country, and all of Congress and even Trump suck up to Israel while dumping on poor Palestinians", you know you'd be fired. Sure, you wouldn't be dragged away and shot, but you'd be made a non-person in the media. Jews in the media would call up one another and tell them, "Don't hire that guy. He is an 'anti-semite'(which means anyone who notices Jewish power or opposes Zionist mass murder)." When Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem publicly denounced the Zio-Nazi of civilians in Gaza, Jewish execs in Hollywood were emailing one another about those two should be blacklisted. (Red Scare blacklist was nothing compare to how Hollywood bans anyone who wants to speak up for Palestinians.)  
Why did Harvey Weinstein get away with so much bad stuff? He threatened  shikses with career apocalypse if they didn't let him rape them. When Jews fire you, they contact other Jews and tell them not to hire you either. ADL and AIPAC work as a team. They not only pressure industries and institutions to fire critics of Jewish/Zionist power but also pressure them NOT TO HIRE people they don't like. Jews, not Italians, were the biggest players in organized crime, and Jewish Bolsheviks were the most ruthless totalitarians. Even in a democracy, Jews act like gangsters than principled operators. 

So, what are the implications of this to Vox gentiles? You know you got hired because you're such good toadies to Jewish power. (Wink, wink). Sure, you can be honest and critical in covering lots of issues, but when it comes to the REAL POWER that is Jewish-Zionist Supremacy, you either stay mum or carefully tiptoe around it. Or you pretend that Big Bad Wolf Netanyahu is the sole culprit and most Jews are just the most wonderful people. LOL. 
Also, you know Vox is small potatoes. Sure, it has many readers, but it doesn't have the prestige of NYT or WAPO. And if you want to rise up in media ranks, you have to eventually move to other outlets. But guess what? They are also owned and controlled by Jews. And if you left a paper trail that was critical of Jews, your chances of promotion is close to zilch(unless maybe you're black; Jews are so eager for a Jewish-Black alliance for its symbolic value that they are willing to forgive even louts like Al Sharpton who once instigated a pogrom against 'diamond merchants'; it's like Jews allying with Neo-Nazis in Ukraine to hurt Russia). 

The gravest issue of the US is the ethno-monopoly of Jews who act like Trotskyite Bolsheviks and the mafia, or Kosher Nostra. Why should the 2% have such power over us? All these news outlets like NYT, CBS, CNN, PBS, and etc. sound 'neutral' and 'objective', but when you look past the labels, they are all Jewish-owned and operated. Imagine if Mormons owned all of them. Wouldn't they be mouthpieces of Mormon-leaning politics? Of course. If Arab-Americans owned CBS, it would surely favor the Palestinian perspective over the Zionist one. Would it be healthy for US democracy if Mormons were gatekeepers of 95% of the media and owned all internet platforms when, in fact, 98% of Americans are NOT Mormon? People would say such is NOT healthy for Democracy. So, why is there no discussion of Jewish oligarchic monopoly over media? You know and I know. Jews control the media and distract us from Jewish power by having us bark all day about 'white privilege', as if some low-IQ Evangelical honkey in the Soooooouth holds all the cards of power and privilege. Do Jews control Hollywood and Media? Come on, people. Even Jews admit it sometimes.

The great thing about the internet was it was the great equalizer between the Jewish 2% and the Gentile 98%. Even if Jews owned most platforms with backing of Wall Street funding and Deep State connections, there was mostly freedom for all. It was essentially a marketplace of ideas. Sure, it gave voice to extreme Neo-Nazi voices(the kind Jews allied with in Ukraine) as well to Antifa Neo-Maoists, but most people who countered the Jewish ethno-monopoly in media were sane, honest, and courageous in their willingness to speak truth to power. It was a great boon to Palestinian activists, which is there has been an explosion of pro-Palestinian sympathy among ordinary Americans. Prior to the internet, the three big networks, Cable News, and major newspapers and magazines(mostly Jewish-owned) controlled all news of Israel-Palestinian conflict. It's like that shabbos goy Charlie Rose invited 50 Zionists for every Palestinian on his show. (Charlie Rose Show was funded by Bloomberg and PBS management is over 50% of Jewish.) That was called 'balanced'. But when Youtube showed how Zionist thugs are beating up and terrorizing Palestinians on a daily basis, scales began to fall from the eyes of many Americans. Also, the internet was a wake-up call for white people. They began to realize that Jews are using them for suckers. Jewish Hollywood made all these anti-Muslim movies(where 'muzzies' are all terrorists) and convinced a generation of white Christian boys that it's patriotic and awesome to go to the Middle East and blow up 'raghead' nations. These idiots voted for W. Bush. But thanks to the internet, even white Americans began to feel that Conservatism Inc. was owned by Neocon Zionists who duped stupid whitey into fighting and dying in Wars for Israel. Also, these very Jews who make whites go destroy the Middle East and turn millions of Muslims into homeless wanderers then turn around and hug these Muslims as poor darling refugees that white nations must accept. (Israel won't take a single one.) So, Jews use white Americans to mess up the Muslim World for the sake of Israeli interests. But then, Jews say white European nations(like Hungary and Poland) must take in these 'refugees' or else they are 'nazi'. 
Of course, the MSM never told us any of this. It's all run by Zionists and sexual predators like Moonvees. (And Hollywood has yet to make a single movie about Nakba or Jewish role in slave trade and opium trade.) It was because of the alternative news on the internet that gentiles began to wake up and break free of the spell of Jewish mind control. That is why Jews are demeaning alternative news as Fake News. Jews will even run fake news to fight 'fake news', like when Washington Post relied on some Deep State operative to spread the lie that a bunch of internet sites are run by the Kremlin.
The internet was great because it equalized the power of information between Jews and Gentiles. So now, Jews in MSM, Jews in Wall Street, Jews in Deep State, and Jews who own the platforms are all colluding to shut down independent gentiles, whites and Palestinians, on the internet. Some time ago, I added a hashtag #Nakba2018 on Twitter to wake people up to the fact that this is the 70th anniversary of Nakba that wiped out Palestine. Zionists did to Palestine what Japanese planned to do to Manchuria: Use mass-migration to replace Manchu-Chinese with Japanese 'dreamers'. Some BDS sites shared it, but they got banned and I got banned soon afterwards. Jack Dorsey takes orders from ADL because he relies on Jewish funding. If Jews can't get you by taking your speech away, they take your money away. 

Alex Jones was their first big harpooned whale. Now, Jones is a kooky character, but in a crazy world, it sometimes takes a crazy person to speak truth. And even though Jones has said nutty things, he was sometimes right while the MSM was totally wrong. And he had the courage to condemn Trump over the lies about Assad using chemicals in Ghouta. Imagine that. Kooky Alex Jones had the guts to speak out against the man he'd supported in 2016. That took some courage and integrity. In contrast, all the so-called 'respectable' journalists of MSM were pushing the 'chemical weapons' lie and cheering Trump to blow Syria to smithereens. Jones spoke out against Trump. When Obama destroyed Libya, all the 'respectable' journalists served as Deep State propagandists to justify the Zionist-US warmongering. It's sort of like that movie SANJURO by Akira Kurosawa. The ruffian anti-hero speaks more truth than the respectable elites of the town who employ all kinds of backdoor machinations to consolidate all the power.

Meanwhile, all the Jew-run media were hoping that Trump would bomb Syria back to the stone age so that it will be good for Israel. Jews want Syria to become another Libya. As it turned out, Trump was bluffing to get the Jews off his back. He shot some missiles and hit nothing and, if anything, tried to pull US troops out of the illegal occupation of Syria. Of course, Jews shrieked again. Jews do not want Syria to regain full autonomy. 

Niall Ferguson said after 2016 and Trump victory, the globalist elites will decide to shut down networking and rig the system so that even the internet will a controlled space by the elites and deep state. He was right. 
Jews are imposing the power of TOWER over the fair SQUARE.

Jews can't abide by parity with gentiles in free discourse. They want monopoly so that they can push their lies as the 'truth' and bury the real truth as 'fake news'. Of course, Ferguson probably favors the Tower because he's a Kissinger-admiring globalist who also peddles Russia Collusion conspiracy theories. 

But anyway, the point is the fact that you gentiles at Vox just go along with the Jewish Narrative means you're either craven cowards, cynical careerists, or truly idiotic dupes of Zionist-controlled PC. 

Anyway, to get an idea of what is really going on, this pretty much sums it up: 

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